❧ Juliette
WELCOME ! to my life dedicated to the world of logical science & maths and world of creative arts & fashion designs! I hope to be a doctor and a well-known fashion designer ! So please wish me a long-term luck for the journey >=] I'll try to work hard ! 加油加油!! Enjoy the bloggings =)

In the middle of block exams / 0

HEYS ^~^
I've been so caught up with studying for block exams and other irrelevant things and so that's why I haven't blogged much at all. So, for this blog post I'll just be showing some pictures of what has been going on these past few weeks...

 So it was my younger sister's birthday on the 27th of May and so I planned out a little treasure hunt for her on that day ~~ and those were her birthday pressies: 2 pair of shoes, 3rd book of Hunger Games series, a cat shower cap, Kikki K to-do-list pad and Ben & Jerry's ice cream ^~^ Below is her mango flavoured birthday cake -- it was sooo yummy ^~^

 So my mum left for Vietnam 1 week ago and she's not coming back until July and so she has left us with some money ! YOOHOOOO ~~~ ... however some of it is for grocery shopping, school tuckshop money etc but instead of using my money for school lunch, I'm just going to save up for my own shopping ! SHH ! XD
So on a Friday night, Mum, sister and I went out to the city and ate at Cafe 21 inside Treasury Casino and this is my outfit which I really like -- it looks simple but very in style. I got this dress for $20 from Dotti (it was on sale) and I think it's really cute ^~^
Below is the picture of our dinner which is like $80 altogether.

 After dinner, I also went to visit Mecca Maxima in winter garden. I LOVE that shop so much because I've recently became fanatic about that shop. I usually spend quite a long time walking around and trying things on but end up not buying anything >.<

I've also been trying on more makeup - particularly playing around with the eyeshadows and I've also applied some on my younger sister XD

This was quite awhile ago but I keep forgetting to show you guys my Starry starry night inspired nails (Inspired by Bubzbeauty of course <3). I only used two nail polish - a royal blue colour and a sparkly one. But instead of looking like the night sky, my friends think it looks more like the ocean but I still really like it alot ^o^

This picture was taken last night - I really needed a face mask after having Biology and Maths exam on the same day T____T (my sister in the back LOL)

The 3 following pictures are from today. I was planning on studying for my Mandarin exam until my older cousin just wanted me to come over and her do my makeup and hair for me >.< So I did come over in the end and yeah this is what I turned out to look like XD

SO this is all for today ~~ need to actually start my studying today T___T
Good luck to those who have exams (Y) And for those girls who have formal coming up, remember to drink a lot of water and eat healthy for clear and good looking skin!
Until next time, goodbye and God bless ~~ <3

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Saturday, June 9, 2012 at 1:36 AM

/ 0

Hey hey beautifuls =] 
After a week of stressing about EE, TOK essay and receiving bad assessment marks, I decided to blog to let go of all the stress and take my mind off school for this one night =] (Although I should be doing my Chemistry IA, practicing for Mandarin Oral, doing maths and chem hw .. ya-di-ya-diya...) 
As you know or may not know, I am a HUGE fan of BUBZBEAUTY ! I think she's beautiful from inside and out and I really enjoy watching all her videos such as her bubbiosity comedies, hair and make up tutorials, girl-to-girl talk and her vlogs =) If you don't watch Bubzbeauty videos and you're into hair, make-up and fashion or you're just in need some friendly advice for all kind of issues (probably aimed at teenage girls to young adults), just hop on youtube and watch her videos ^~^ I guarantee you her videos can sure make you feel better =] 

Well, recently, Bubz posted up a video of a 'Starter Makeup kit for beginners' and so tonight, when my mum just gave me some of her Lancome makeup, I decided to have my own makeup kit too ! ^~^ I've always had an emergency kit which contains tissues, pads, oil sheets, moisturiser (for face and hands), panadol and bobby pins. 

YOOHOO ~~ Like Bubz said 'Go Easy' - You don't need too much products as a beginner ~~
 What my make-up kit contains? 

I know I am missing some of the essentials (e.g. eyeliner) so I am soon going to buy some! THIS IS SO EXCITING! I LOVE BEING A GIRL ! ^~^ 

Pink bag for Makeup and red bag for emergency uses 
Also, this afternoon, I was messing around with the eyeshadows, eyeliner and mascara - it was actually really fun!  I found out that elongating the eyes with eyeliner makes your eyes appear to look bigger :O YOOHOO I learnt something ~~ From the pictures you can't really see the eyeshadow as I used light/neutral colours such as white and bronze.  

SIGH T_T you can see my pimples -- From stress? Oily Junky Food?.. it's both >.< Must get good skin for formal !! T^T 

Advice for all those girls who stress over bad exams/assessment results, just spend a little bit of time experimenting with make-up, as your focus switches to applying mascara, eyeliner etc and it really does make you feel better ^~^ It can do really get negative thoughts off your mind (shopping or getting a new haircut does the job too (Y)) 

and.. HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY TO MY KIND,  CONSIDERATIONE, FUNNY & BUBBLY FRIEND ANDERSON ~~ If you have not checked out his blog then you really should as he writes really amazing and inspiring poems ! http://international-bullshit.blogspot.com.au/

.. back to schoolwork nows ~~ sigh... wish me luck and hope to blog soon ! ^~^

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Friday, May 25, 2012 at 3:49 AM

#070512 - WOOT WOOT ! / 0

Heys ^^ ... glad I blogged sooner than I thought I would ^~^
Reason why I'm blogging? Something awesome happened today :D Now I shall tell you about my day while listening to 200 pounds beauty audio on youtube (I just don't like a completely silent environment when I'm alone XD)
Okay, today I met up with Hubby to 'study' at SLQ then we left to go 'somewhere' in southbank to eat kekeke then we ran into Anita and Michael who were 'on a date' -- so we followed them to some barbeque area and and and... me friends were there for my surprise birthday party ^^
SHARLEENIE ~~ Thank youuuu for planning everything and all ^^ I'm so glad you're my best pengyou ~~ and of course I love the message you wrote in the bday card as it shows how close we are to one another and all the times we spent together through our ~~ awkies that I cried ... me such an emotional baby LOL
There are much more things I want to say to you Sharleenie but I'll save it for your birthday ~~ haha wait til October XD
Also thank you to my other amazing dear friends for coming: Anderson, Anita, Cindy, Dan, Jenny, Ken, Michael Nathan, Nick, Sho, Tim and Vinnie hubby ^^
I also LOVE the pressies ^~^ THANK YOU GUYS =] (Even my mum likes my pressies, she kept going through all the stuff I brought home today XD)
Afterwards we were planning to watch The Avengers but of course tickets sold out so we watched The 5 year Engagement instead and it was pretty... good? I think haha
After movies, Sharleen, Jenny, Vincent and I walked to cultural center and lied down on the grass and took pics there =]
And that was pretty much it for today but man I was so tired - not going to wear heels again XD
Okay, here are some pics that were taken on phone today ^~^

My 2nd birthday cake this year ^^


From Dan <3
A way to express our love for one another is writing on sticky notes ^^

Sharleen's message on my birthday card
I loved it so much that I shall share it with you haha 

Monday, May 7, 2012 at 6:18 AM

#030512 / 0

Hey Hey Hey !
So I just presented my IOC yesterday and mannnnn.... got the worst extract of Macbeth ever ! >.< And I couldn't sleep well last night because I kept thinking about it >.<
Anyways today's my 17th birthday ! surprise surprise !
And I designed 3 dresses for this day =]
May is a month of autumn and so I've come up with an 'AUTUMN CHILD Collection'
Check it out and please post a comment of what you think ^~^
And here's a pic of  my birthday cake at school today SO CUTE ^^
Thanks Sharleen for my first driving lesson ^^ It was so scary but fun - I was sooooo tensed though >.<
Thanks Sianee for the cute bear pencil case and the Infinite picture kekeke <3  

Okays back to school work nows >.< Hopefully I'll blog soon =] 

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Thursday, May 3, 2012 at 2:22 AM


Helloooo ~~
Once again long time no blog ~~ Us QA students just finished exam blocks and thank goodness that was over - although I was soooo disappointed with half of my results TT_TT
BUT !... Next term ! No more disappointment !! (well... hopefully not) - Beginning of next term, I'm going to be working on a long-term project PROJECT B - where I am aiming for at least B's for all subject and I'll blog at the end of each week next term !
Hopefully from this long term process, I am able to provide some ideas for those high school students who are lazy and procrastinates most of the time (like me) 

Wish me luck ! ^~^  

This week, I have no idea why, but my mum has been really into cooking japanese bento style lunches for me LOL 
Oh gawsh how childish hahaha jokes I LOVE HER ! 

My school lunch for one day =]
It's a CAT ! :O The thing on the right is egg+meat stuffed in squid and those japanese style eggs with sauce
Yup - she made all of that ^^

Mini lady beetle sandwiches ~~
Anyways, I'll blog more soon ~~~ Hopefully I'll come up with some dress designs and post it up ~~ So sorry >.< 
God Bless ~~

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Saturday, March 24, 2012 at 10:55 PM


Hello !
Recently, has been suck-ish TT
Since Monday until Wednesday, I couldn't go to sleep at all until 5am and that's when my alarm goes ringing T_T
On Wednesday morning half way walking to school, then I turned back to catch a bus to pay $80 to UQ (Damn you taking the money that I saved up for charity! >>). Coincidentally, it was sign up days for UQ where there were heaps of stalls outside the buildings asking new comers to join their UQ club (there was like tennis club, hiphop dance club and heaps more). I was walking really fast past them avoiding eye contact because some of them still went up and asked me if I wanted to join their club ==|| I WAS IN MY SCHOOL UNIFORM TOO >>
Anyways went home slept until 2:30pm - felt awesome but I was sweating and I NEVER sweat when I sleep T_T
Mum made a big dinner but didn't even finish half of it >>
Yup, that's black eggs >.< I only like eating that with congee 
Wednesday night, didn't sleep well either and I woke up with a fever >.< I didn't realise it until arvo 
I made french toast in the morning :D 
And guess what? It was TRULYYYYY... disgusting ==|| Failed healthy breakfast TT


After giving up on the gross breakfast I made, I decided to clean my study room. And it is true how a cleaner environment really does help you study better and less distractions =]
Where did all the books and mess go?... I shoved it on my bookcase and the shelf on the left of the desk >>

Half of the mess migrated to the shelf connected to the desk

Just shoved textbooks on the bookshelf >.<
Well I am still sick and ... my chemistry IA T_T I am so not bothered to look at it again >> I want to start painting and I still have a headache !!! .... Excuse me but I tend to complain alot >.<
Well hope to blog soon and hopefully it will be more of a positive blog when I feel all better, when I am more up to date with my school work and when I can start painting/designing again =]

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Thursday, February 23, 2012 at 2:30 AM

REALLY long time no blog =] / 0

Hello again! It's been SO long since I have posted up anything =] I am sorry and so now I'll try to update at least once a week. Well as you can see from the blogs before, I entered the Yesstyle competition to win an iPad 2 however, I didn't win but that's okay =]. I Actually really like the 2nd outfit I uploaded - Autumn outfit.
So school is back ( 4 weeks ago) and for the first two weeks I actually tried really hard updating my school notes and doing my homework, etc. However, the next weeks was just plain procrastination and the lazy me again T_T. Wish me luck!
Knowing that it takes approximately 28 days to get into a habit, I think it's a good method to list on a piece of paper (stick it on your desk/wall) or your whiteboard (like me) numbers from 1 to 28, and as each day passes, cross each number out. For example, I had to read my Bible everynight however, I didn't do it much so I used this method and I actually read the Bible each night for 3 months +.

14th Feb:Valentines Day <3
Bestie (Sharleen) and I organised on ordering and delivering roses at our school. =] It was quite a fun experience considering that it was our first time doing such thing. We had around 110 orders of roses which was quite alot considering our school isn't that big. We also had to wrap up roses, buy the ribbons and buy roses from the Rocklea markets ourselves.
On the night before Valentine's Day... we had a 'Dead Roses' Emergency over at Sharleen's place. So I had to quickly pack up my clothes and school things and rush over to Sharleen's place for a sleepover. Around 20 roses went really brown and limp >.<. So we decided to wake up early in the morning, rush to the Rocklea Markets, buy 2 new bunches and wrap them up at school. Good thing was that everything ended up quite well. :D We also bought bear grass so that the roses won't look too empty inside the wrapping and we typed up message tags to place inside with the roses =]. I am glad this was such a great and successful project - even some teachers ordered roses ^^.

Roses at Sharleen's place that did not wilt (Y) You can see some of the small red message tags  that we designed =]

Roses we bought from Rocklea Markets :D 

Roses at school that were ready to be delivered :D 
Well fashion related, I haven't been doing much designing. However, our Year 12 formal is shifted now its in Term 2 in June D:. A few girls at school already bought/ordered their dresses while others still have no clue. Two of my friends asked my the design some formal dresses for them ^~^ And I really can't wait to get a few assessments out of the way so I can start designing again =]. And for me, I found two decent dresses online but I'm still going to try to design some formal dresses for myself too so please look forward to it =].

Anyways, tomorrow is going to be a day filled with more schoolwork so fashion designs is going to have to wait a while >.< Also, I am planning on painting again soon for a friend's birthday gift and maybe make 17 teru teru bouzu's since he's turning 17 this year =]. Please look forward to that as well

Good night & Sweet dreams =]
PS: If you are having a bad day ( Like I did today), remember don't let your depression/anger take control over your behaviour as you may end up saying/doing something you will regret sooner/later on and also keep in mind that good days are ought to come soon. <3

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Friday, February 17, 2012 at 4:36 AM